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Monday, 23 May 2022

A Decline In Squirrel Numbers?


After being told of a drop in squirrel sightings on Sunday morning I appealed to local groups asking whether they had noted a decline in squirrel numbers.

Some had while others noticed an increase in squirrel numbers. Someone near a park noted a decline in numbers while at the other end of the park there was an increase.

I was still being sent messages ten minutes ago so 24 hours of squirrels instead of dead foxes and badgers!

From what I can determine the drop in numbers or squirrels no longer being seen may be down to habitat resources. Squirrels eating peanuts and seed from bird feeders will look for other food (as evidence from them eating mu lilies last year!) but regular sources and good habitat then they will stay. Others not having regular food sources and depending on natural resources are going to do what most animals do; eat until the resources are at their bare minimum and then move on to another area.

Certainly the upturn in the number of squirrels in certain areas would be consistent with this.

January to April is generally also the breeding season so this may cause some movement especially if a habitat with better food resources is required (they can breed again during summer).

In effect we are seeing natural behaviour and moving around but as I cannot find any study that has been carried out on squirrels in the City this is my best guess. Nothing sinister and no disease or mass poisoning as suggested.

My thanks to all of those who got in touch.

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