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Saturday, 30 September 2023

The Current Threat To UK Fauna And The Introduction Of New Fauna Species -a look inside


Pages  20
Binding Saddle Stitch
Interior Color (photographs)
Dimensions A4 (8.27 x 11.69 in / 210 x 297 mm)
UK £15.00

 In the United Kingdom new species of fauna have been introduced since Roman times and the number of species released or escaping into the countryside since 1900 has steadily increased. New species are filling in niches left by species extirpated by humans and these new species have, after 40+ years of observation created no problems.

Despite this the official policy of the UK Government and the Department for Environment Farming and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is to class such species "invasive" and trap and kill them as the opportunity arises.
This paper suggests that DEFRA needs to reassess its stance since it is impossible to exterminate all established "invasive species" -the New fauna now closely tied to the Old fauna,

The "Girt Dog" of Ennerdale



Over 200 years ago, in 1810, sheep were being killed in the Ennerdale area of Cumbria. 

The sheep were allegedly hardly eaten yet their blood had been drained and the killer responsible thwarted the efforts of organised hunts and terrified hounds. What was the “Girt Dog” of Ennerdale? 

Many theories abound from a paranormal creature called a “Mauler” to an escaped hyena , Tiger or even a Thylacine. Perhaps an unknown species of native British big cat?

 The truth of what the “Girt Dog” was lies within the original accounts of the time. Documents that modern writers appear to have never consulted. Noted British naturalist Terry Hooper-Scharf assesses the evidence.

Did The Lynx Survive Until The 18th Century In The UK?


Saddle Stitch
Interior Color
A4 (8.27 x 11.69 in / 210 x 297 mm)


For many the lynx (Lynx lynx) died out during the last ice age in Britain. However, the historical evidence shows that it continued until hunted to extinction during the Medieval period.

Over recent years many have claimed that the lynx in fact survived up to the 18th century -some state it survived later than that.

In this publication naturalist Terry Hooper-Scharf assesses the evidence and points to reports and other factors not widely known to draw a definitive conclusion on the subject

Chris Packham joins London protest following devastating UK wildlife report


British wildlife campaigner Chris Packham joined protesters outside the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) on Thursday following the release of a devastating report on the state of UK wildlife.

On Wednesday, the National Trust released its State of Nature report which found that one in six of the 10,000-plus species across the UK risk going extinct.

The report also found the number of species in the UK has fallen by 19 per cent on average since 1970.

“We don’t have time to wait any longer. We need everyone to be involved in nature restoration as it won’t happen overnight,” Packham told Sky News during the protest in Westminster.

“What we’re saying to all the political parties is to take this seriously. We need a healthy environment, it supports us.”

Unless Government support materialised to support the environment, the Springwatch presenter threatened to take to the streets “on several more occasions” before the next election.

The release of the report comes after regulators approved the Rosebank oil field on Tuesday. The Rosebank field, which lies north-west of Shetland and contains up to 350 million barrels of oil, is currently one of the largest untapped discoveries in UK waters.

Ithaca Energy, which has a 20 per cent stake in the project said it would bring in £8.1billion of direct investment, support 1,600 jobs during construction and 450 during its lifetime.

The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) agreed to the new project despite heavy criticism from environmental campaigners.

Commenting on the approval, Packham called the decision “catastrophic” and “abject madness”.

“They keep on about jobs in the oil industry. That’s bad, old business,” he said. “We need bright, new business, which is in renewables. That’s where we need our investment, and we have that capability to do that in the UK.”

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s PM programme, Tory peer Lord Zac Goldsmith also criticised the decision, saying: “It just trashes the UK’s reputation as a reliable, grown-up member of the global community, it’s done us immeasurable harm.”

He also attacked the delay to net zero policies such as a ban on new petrol and diesel cars announced last week by the Prime Minister, saying the Conservative Party seems to be in “disarray” and that he may not be able to vote for it.

Dan Sherrard-Smith, founder of told the Standard: “UK wildlife is in a dire state. Many of our favourite British species are at risk of extinction including the turtle dove and puffin.

“On current trends, we look at a bleak future with, potentially, only household pets and domestic animals sharing our island. Yet we can halt this decline.

“One action all of us can take is to make sure our money - where we bank and our pension - is invested in areas that promote and restore the biodiversity of the UK. This was once a green and pleasant isle. It can be again.”

Daniel Kaul, from Natucate added: “The UK's wildlife has experienced significant declines due to factors like habitat loss, climate change, and pollution, with many species facing potential extinction.

“If no action is taken, the future will see massive species loss, ecosystem destruction, and economic impacts due to reduced biodiversity. To halt this decline, it's crucial to focus on habitat restoration, conscious conservation, public education, robust environmental policies, and addressing needed changes.”

Dr Nicky Dee, founder of Carbon 13 also said: “It would be a sad 12 days of Christmas without the two turtle doves yet this is one of the birds at risk. While alarming, it is an alert to the greater challenges triggered by climate change. The canary in the coalmine is a good analogy, as nature tells us about the state of the planet and our ability to adapt and cope with climate change.

“Biodiversity is our most effective defence against climate change. And that’s why we have invested in startups such as NatureBound and Kita so we are better able to evaluate this link and ensure money goes into the right places.”

Friday, 29 September 2023

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From The River Severn to The Wash Without Touching Ground


(c)2023 respective copyright owner

One thing you you will continuously read or hear is that Britain only had sporadic forestry and the meagre forestry of the Middle ages is basically i9t and we are recovering that now through replanting.

I will comment that this is utter rubbish. It is a rebooting of history to make us feel like we are environmentally aware and rewilding and restoring our old environment.The Romans and others wrote of British forestry and this trendy "Let's lie and make ourselves feel better" mentality has now become dogma (you knew I was going to mention dogma, didn't you?). That or simply very - very - poor research.

My colleague, LM, has brought to my attention this book Historic Forests of England by Ralph Whitlock. Yes, I do not make all of this stuff up but base it on established work and references that anyone can check and confirm.

There is one passage my attention was drawn to

Therefore you can see that the rather meagre forestry of the Medieval period that we have "reclaimed" is nothing. Look at that part about squirrels again:

The Wash is a rectangular bay and multiple estuary at the north-west corner of East Anglia on the East coast of England, where Norfolk meets Lincolnshire and that covers roughly a distance of 150 miles or 241+ kilometres.  

\Above: River Severn to the Wash

Of course, much forestry around London and Kent was lost to industry and ship building and that is what led to the extinction of wild cats in that part of the country by the 19th century. Note in that paragraph how it notes environmental damage from man at one point was minimal but fires were set to make hunting easier by flushing out woodland fauna.

The forests of old Britain would have contained deer, wild cats, wolves, badgers, wild boar, the Old fox types as well as lynx and other animals.  We lost all of that forestry and all of those animals and there is no amount of tree planting going to bring them or the forests back. Even now forests that have matured are being cut down for timber (a reason the red squirrel is still being killed to "protect product" -and that killing is carried out in daylight and with bodies such as English Nature and DEFRA knowing about it.

At the moment we need more trees. We need far more greener spaces. We need to protect and conserve wildlife. With a UK government that is pro hunt and focussed on finances rather than those three 'nuisance' things there is not much light at the end of a long tunnel. we need far more people to step up, organise and act or in future a holiday will be taking the kids to the one acre park once a year for some fresh air.

(c)2023 respective copyright owner

One in Eight


Fox and Badger Deaths Bristol 2024

  The total number of badgers reported dead due to suspected car strike in Bristol during 2024 stands at  68 . The total number of foxes rep...