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Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Get Off Your Ass

 I have to say that I really do wonder why the City of Bristol has so many wildlife groups? Pretty bird and butterfly photos. Practical work? Well....

When I tried to get groups in the City interested in monitoring mange I was met with apathy and found myself being attacked and there came the "why bothers?" -all of which owners thought was okay.

How about an organised and supervised project to treat foxes in the City for mange and see how far we can reduce outbreaks? Same responses but more personal insults. Again, moderators/owners think that is okay and ignore their own laid down rules.

Report fox deaths? Took two years and it is still a case of only a fraction of dead foxes being reported to us. Maggot infested ones that have been at a spot for a good.

Now we have people in fox groups actively trying to interfere with the fox deaths work to the point of hoaxing.

Badger deaths. "I've never seen a dead badger!" Well...bully for you. That comment was left after three dead badgers were found and photographed. 

We ought to do a tick survey....outcries that it will result in grass being cut back. Ticks affect both humans and wildlife -and people are worried about grass being cut back? I have the post mortem reports on foxes that died due to ticks.

We need to organise more tree planting. "Why bother?"  

Seriously, what the hell are these wildlife and nature groups in existence for? Promoting ignorance and not helping wildlife and nature and only there for social media likes for pretty butterflies and tweet-tweets?

I have things to finish but I swear here and now that unless things change in 2023 if I am still here I am going to set up a Bristol wildlife group and wipe the floor with the social media clubs. Seriously. I have had enough of it. I will use all the press and TV contacts I have and once I have become determined nothing changes my mind.

Yes, this is a rant but I never forget the few people who have helped, mainly off groups but still their help in reporting dead things etc is appreciated. No wonder it is such a struggle to stop Bristol City Council and its plans to build on green spaces -and most of the work to tackle this has been done by determined people/individuals.

It is YOUR City/country so think about your children and grand children and make them proud that you got off your ass to do something for the environment and THEM.

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Bristol Fox Deaths Project 2021 -2024

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