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Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Are Badgers Potential Burglars :-)

 People are always surprised that foxes can climb but they are known as "the cat-like canid"' and jumping walls and fences as well as climbing trees is a well known fox trait (or should be).

This ought to surprise a few out there. A lady from the West Midlands wrote:

"Being woken up in the night thinking someone’s trying to break into the garden with a noise of fences being climbed. I ran to the window to see what was happening only to be greeted by this!"

Badgers have the strength and claws to climb but few people get to see them do so and the fact that they can climb is never mentioned in wildlife books because for the last hundred years everything has just been copied from one or two sources and writers do very little research work or even field work on badgers.  Like foxes they are largely ignored and killed for unscientifi9c reasons.

I was once told how a couple were woken just after dawn and they could hear someone climbing the ivy that led to their bedroom window. The husband got his golf club and was ready to fight off the potential burglar. Things went quiet and the couple waited and then the husband moved to look out the window. His wife screamed as he fell back but then he started laughing.

"What?" his wife asked. The husband got up and sat on the edge of the bed giggling. Apparently as he looked out some two feet (60cms) from his face was a badger. The badger, he claimed, looked as shocked as he must have done and t6urned and shot down the ivy. His wife looked out the window to see the badger moving off into undergrowth.

So, foxes are good climbers. Badgers are good climbers. No other nocturnal visitors to worry about though, right?  Well, hedgehogs are also good climbers but they do tend to stay where the food is on the ground and as far as I can find out hogs have climbed to ground floor windows but not the dizzying height of foxes or badgers.

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