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Friday, 14 July 2023

A Badger In Daylight...Again


Another person posting on Badger Watch UK (Face Book of course) that they have seen a badger out in daylight and, since these badger groups are basically the same as fox groups the response was:


"It must be starving!"

and "Something must be wrong!"

It never ceases to amaze me how "fox lovers" and "badger lovers" know absolutely nothing about their "garden pets" and it seems that they have never even read basic info on badgers.

I responded:

"No. Badgers are seen out during the daylight in areas where they have setts and there is no threat to them. The myth of foxes not venturing out in daylight still persists as does the myth that hedgehogs are only out at night. It is not worrying nor concerning and the best thing you can do is see if there are any obvious injuries: if none just enjoy the view."

Hedgehogs I would put food out for as a matter of course but I have seen and recorded them out in the day particularly during mating season.

"Bears" that terrified walkers in woods in the past and during daylight were.... badgers!

Look online for all the photos of badgers out during the day grooming themselves and playing.

LEARN about the animals don't just junk feed them or try enticing them into homes!

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