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Monday, 3 July 2023

DEFRA has a page on the matter


I see videos from people in the United States, Europe and even Australia and Hong Kong where people are as happy as they can be that they have a wild bird nesting on or in a part of their home.

So why is it a "Nation of animal lovers" constantly want to destroy or get rid of nesting birds or fox dens and badger setts. I get involved in this all the time as people seem to think I am going to go ahead and say "Yeah. Sure. Smash it up!" rather than explain to them what the law is. Or even give them "options". No. The law is the law and wildlife destruction by humans has already taken its toll so if these people cannot live with nesting birds o0r a fox with cubs until they move on...may they ought to move themselves?

It honestly pisses me off that humans are killing deer on the roads as well as foxes and badgers and other wildlife in the thousands every year. People on wildlife groups (who should be kicked off of them) talk about "getting in the magpie catcher" (who kills magpies) because they do not like the noise of magpies or a magpie has taken a chick from a "prettier bird" nest. "How do I kill moles?" -asking that on a wildlife group should also get you kicked off for life.

My message to the morons is this: wildlife is far more important than you so learn to live with it and learn about the animal/bird that you want to destroy.

A lot more people seem to be complaining this year about wild birds nesting around or in their; there are laws and for birds DEFRA has a page on the matter

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