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Saturday, 23 September 2023

State of the Badger Report and why I will not be adding to it


The Badger Trust has been promoting this so here are my thoughts.

State of the Badger Report Aim

The aim is to produce a comprehensive report that answers some of the questions regarding badger population, threats, and recovery. The report will be used to assess density and distribution estimates, historical and current population changes, and badger crime statistics. 

You can read more here:

People may read about this so allow me to explain why I, and I think other badger watchers or people who have badgers visiting, will not be taking part.
When I set up the Bristol Badger Group in 1995 the policy was to not draw attention to badger setts. I had learnt from other wildlife work that once you are known to do a certain type of field work then those involved in hunting, snaring or just anti certain wildlife will follow you and get locations. It is why I stopped one long term project years ago as farmers or hunt people who saw me passed the word along. End of a lot of hard work but the safety of the animals was more important.
I have catalogue areas where badgers are seen or where setts are known and you can take my right arm off before anyone gets that information.
"We plan for the State of the Badger survey to use the Badger Watch App to record sett locations and badger signs, which will also allow for criminal instances to be simultaneously recorded and stored on a private and secure database."
I do not put any of my data on a computer or an online data base. I do not use any "app". These can be hacked -there is no such thing as a "private and secure database" because pressure can be put on internet service providers or even the people who own the app design to get access. There are enough examples out there. 
I have dealt with both MAFF and DEFRA over the years and they have used threats, very dodgy activities and twice used my name to get a dead animal I was told would be held for me. Some of this I have discussed on the other blog 
My policy is simple: leave the badgers alone and do not draw attention to them -Face Book groups are notorious for being riddled with pro hunt people and it is why I never identify sites.
Yes, I want to fully list sites because in the last three years I have helped to stop developers twice as they damaged the area around a badger sett and in one case they returned vegetation to an area and sealed off the sett area so no worker or development staff could go near it.
It also helps us if we need to look for cubs if a sow is killed on a nearby road so that is very important.
I know a certain number of sett areas and some woodland and community park groups passed info on to me in the understandi9ng that no one else was told.
And there you have it. I record badgers killed on roads which is high enough and there are certain hot spots for badger and fox deaths by car. 
I will give this survey a miss.

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