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Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Ashton Vale Wildlife Survey 2024 -You Can Survey Your Own Area, Too

 Originally from an American site but is worth posting here. Since 1995 I have made sure that there are berries, leaves are left on the ground (for mulch) and I never cut back seed heads since birds help spread the seeds.

In fact the robin and other visitors are enjoying the insects to be found on the bushes and trees. The wood pigeons had the summer and autumn berries but still grab what they can.
It is interesting that Avon Wildlife Trust, when you enter Ashton Vale into its search engine produces the following message:
"Sorry! We can’t find any events or nature reserves that match your search. Please try again with a different search."
Common adder (c)2023 Benny Trapp

Now I have been keeping records since I moved to Ashton Vale in 1994 and first day I read and saw what AWT had to say about the area: "Wildlife deprivation zone" yet that first night I had two barn owls swoop low overhead, heard tawny owls and there were LOTS of beetles and insects and two of the largest hedgehogs I had ever seen. And looking out of my kitchen window that same night I saw a pair of foxes trotting up the road.
Hedgehog (c)2023 respective copyright owner

I found shrews, frogs and much more and so I contacted the Trust but was told quite clearly that I needed to be a member to submit information. Their loss not mine.
Barn owl Tutoke (c)2023 Peter Trimming

It takes very little to encourage wildlife into your garden and even a water source attracts (make sure there are stones so that any hedgehog falling in can get out!).
In 2024 I would like to put together a basic survey but the question is whether anyone will bother sending in information and photos

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