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Saturday, 28 October 2023

Talking About Wildlife On Face Book Could Get You Banned

 The struggle against public ignorance when it comes to wildlife and attempts to study and conserve wildlife is ongoing. It is often made worse by things out of your control. 

Yesterday I posted Otters -Post Mortems Are VERY Important and as usual shared a link to the Vale Wildlife Group, as well as Friends of the Western Slopes, Bristol Naturalist Society and Bristol Nature Network Face Book pages. In one case at the request of someone on the group. Then I received, one after another, warnings that the posts had gone against FBs community standards (it does not in any way shape or form).

Today I received another...

I am appealing again (not that you can actually talk to anyone on FB. But, if the fourth strike is upheld then my account, I am warned, will be suspended.

The problem seems to be caused by the fact that the groups can leave a post waiting for approval for many hours and that, FB  seems to think, means it is spam of some kind. Of course I do understand that moderators need to consider and allow posts from anyone who has been a naturalist all his life, has been a UK police forces exotic animals advisor since 1977, has contributed to technical papers and written books on wildlife.  

Sarcasm aside, FB allows people to show footage and images of wildlife, especially foxes, they have killed (illegally) and allow sex scammers and people pushing porn sites but those are, of course, not against the fictional community standards.

So will I be banned for promoting wildlife health studies and conservation?

We'll see.

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