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Saturday, 4 November 2023

250,000 badgers killed. Hundreds of foxes killed each week -no interest. One "lonely sheep" and 52,000 People yell!

  One sheep doing very well and that put on weight and was not in any danger got into the news because "it's lonely" -yes, the SSPCA sat on their asses until private people rescued the sheep and then stepped in for the publicity -its what the RSPCA and SSCPA do

A petition calling for a rescue operation gathered more than 52,000 signatures.

Yes, 52,000 people managed to work their pizza stained fingers to sign that petition. It was a struggle to get anywhere near the 30,000 signatures needed to stop snaring or to protect foxes which took 2 years. 

Over half the badger population in the UK has been wiped out based on a 'scientific' nonsense. The badgers may struggle to survive in the future as a pro hunt government has decided to kill more (costing the public millions and that 250,000 killed badgers figure may be untrue and the number is likely higher). Where the ****** hell are those members of the public protesting and signing petitions to stop this? Oh, it wasn't a "lonely sheep". We have a fox population dropping in numbers buy the year and they could face another extinction event and yet does anyone protest about the hundreds of adult and cubs killed monthly by shooters as 'fun' and 'sport'?

So the great British public of alleged animal lovers will allow slaughter of foxes and badgers  but yell for a "lonely sheep" to be rescued.

The United Kingdom.; The Red or Blood Island

An animal welfare charity had previously said any attempts to rescue her would be “incredibly complex”.

However, a group of five men managed to haul her up a steep slope and said she remained in excellent health. They plan to shear her overgrown fleece before handing her over to a farm park.

The rescue mission was organised by Cammy Wilson, a sheep shearer from Ayrshire, after seeing media coverage of the ewe’s plight.

Mr Wilson, who is a presenter on the BBC’s Landward programme, organised the rescue in a personal capacity along with four others.

Speaking in the video posted on Facebook, he said: “We’ve come up here with some heavy equipment and we’ve got this sheep up an incredibly steep slope.

“She’s in incredible condition. She is about a condition score of about 4.5. She is overfat - it was some job lifting her up that slope.

“She is going to a very special place that a lot of you know very well, where you’ll be able to see her virtually every day.”

The marooned sheep was first spotted by a kayaker in 2021 - Cammy Wilson/Facebook

The Scottish SPCA said they had been aware of the ewe being stranded at the bottom of the cliff for some time but were unable to find a safe way to rescue her.

A spokesperson for the charity said: “This morning the Scottish SPCA [Society for the Protection of Animals] were in attendance at the hillside after they were made aware that a group of individuals with climbing expertise were attempting to rescue the stranded sheep by descending down to where she was trapped.

“The team brought the ewe up successfully and our inspector examined her.

“Thankfully, the sheep is in good bodily condition, aside from needing to be sheared. She will now be taken to a specialist home within Scotland to rest and recover.”

The sheep made national headlines after a kayaker took a photograph of her and shared concerns about her welfare.

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