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Saturday, 2 March 2024

Can The Development and Destruction of Bristol's Green Spaces Be Stopped?


We are repeatedly seeing Bristol City Council and its elected officers breaking the law for the sake of development and profit -the Yew Tree Farm environmental/wildlife crime being the latest. 

I have heard from people over the last 4 years alone of areas surveyed for conservation where badger setts and fox dens are located (Lockleaze)  and Council contractors move in to dig up the area despite locals pointing out the setts/dens and the fact that it was cub season. Interfering or destroying a sett is completely illegal and damaging or digging up a fox den particularly in cub season is illegal.

I have tried to step in when trees were being cut right back with crow nests in them and was told by the council; contractors to "**** off" and phoning the council I was told "contractors have surveyed the area and do not talk to the public in that way". Winterstoke Road once had thick heading next to the park there and in the middle of nesting season it was dug up -the council stated that no nests were in the hedges which was an outright lie.

I have stepped in to advise on two occasions when developers began to clear areas around established badger setts despite a survey having been carried out and had it not been for locals in both instances getting in touch those setts would have been destroyed. Both sites were then fenced off so no more 'accidental' work could be carried out there. 

The council has shown that it is definitely not championing the environment and under Marvin Rees it has allowed rodenticides to be used on Council allotments (illegal) despite protests from other allotment tenants -in fact they gave two fake names to myself and some of those tenants of officers who would deal with the matter. I found out, as did others, that those council officers did not exist.

The fight by people to keep green field sites and sites of scientific interest in the City is one the council will attempt to win. A promise from the council, even on paper, is meaningless and there are plenty of examples of that. A green site with trees and great views are the site developers want because those homes can be sold at a high price because of the views and area.

There is only one way to try to stop this behaviour. Embarrass the mayor and city council with bad publicity. "Good faith" is gullibility.  If each of the groups attempting to preserve/save their areas united that makes it far more difficult for the council and developers to get away with dirty tricks.

In the years up to the 2000s large protests outside the council house/city hall attracting press and media made councillors listen. The threat of  voting for more honest people curtailed a lot of bad behaviour and to be honest unless these groups unite then one by one the council and developers will pick away until they get what they want.  Never expect an easy ride as there is big money involved and not just for the local authority.

Here is what Danic Priest wrote on the petition:

Yew Tree Farm is Bristol’s last working farm and a designated site of nature conservation interest. Sadly on Thursday February 22nd, contractors have ravaged the landscape, slashing through ancient hedgerows and trampling species-rich meadows. The desecration witnessed is an affront to nature. This wildlife haven faces further desecration as Bristol City Council plows forward with plans to extend the South Bristol Cemetery onto these protected fields.

 Despite the outcry from Avon Wildlife Trust and the discovery of dormice, a legally protected species, the relentless march of destruction persists. 

We stand at a crossroads where the preservation of Yew Tree Farm's ecological tapestry hangs in the balance. Join us in demanding an immediate stop to the wanton destruction of Yew Tree Farm before more irreparable harm befalls this natural treasure.

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