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Thursday, 7 March 2024

Killing Badgers Officially For Money -Fine. Try Saving Orphaned Cubs -That's Illegal.


Based on very bad science and politicians in the pockets of farmers and private estate owners, 250,000 plus badgers have been killed. Over half the population and...still bovine TB as hunts ride across fields and no one looks at bad animal husbandry. Over 100,000 badgers are killed on roads each year and we have no idea about the number killed illegally by 'sporting' shooters, snares, poisons and so on.

Now the government is extending culls and quite openly stating the intention is to "eradicate" (wipe out) badgers from areas of the countryside.  Badgers in this country survived when the Old foxes and wild cats and many other species did not. Are we going to kill badgers then import more "as required"?  

Badgers are heading for extinction and here is the huge joke; they have been a "protected species" since the 1970s! Yes, you look at a badger the wrong way you'll get prosecuted. But if you shoot or gas or even club them to death when you haven't killed them outright that's fine. Collect your blood money and go home.,

We have just had a situation where a lactating badger sow was killed on the road in Bristol and apart from the total and utter silence and lack of or offers to cooperate from wildlife groups to search for possible cubs I also got an insult for my efforts.  I also checked with DEFRA about searching for any sett with cubs that needed rescue: "Badgers are a protected species in the UK and it is illegal to tamper or search a sett. If that is done we will prosecute" and I responded "But DEFRA can pay for 250,000 plus to be killed?" the call kind of ended at that point.  

But that is the insane situation in the UK and the government and DEFRA has to take full responsibility for this mess. You can be paid to officially kill and wipe out badgers but orphaned badger cubs rescued will get you prosecuted.

Saving orphaned badger cubs is illegal.  That in itself shows that the government policy is to eradicate all badgers. Not surprising when a Tory government supports hunting and there is a King who is a big blood sport fan and partakes when he can.   

So after 4 hours I think it was I may as well have just sat back and done nothing. People in this country need to get off of their asses and try to help save and conserve wildlife not just sit gormlessly watch TV. Then again, I doubt the "great British animal loving public" actually gives a flying shit for wildlife.

Sit back and look at your children and remember to tell them what you did to try to save UK wildlife when they are older.... "I was watching TV and eating pizza. Nowt to do with me. Sad though."

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