People often say that they want to help re-wild but their gardens are too small.
In the 1980s I lived in a flat in Ashton and the balcony was the outside world. But I set up planters to hang from the balcony -inward not over the outside edge as a pot or planter hitting someone on the noggin often results in complaints. And ambulance and police and...well, always make sure the balcony garden is on the balcony!
Depending on what you want to do you can buy planters that fit your space or even use old buckets etc. Plant things like buddleja (the butterfly bush) and these can bve trimmed down each year to suit the space. Not only do you attract butterflies and moths but many other insects and it will surprise you.
Trestle is also good to grow climbers or or even rose bushes.
A balcony like a patio can be a wilder place if you want.
Large gardens you can create a pond or pondlets -people have put old baths (with plug hole sealed!), old sinks and even old plastic round bin lids. You can buy suitable little plants and people are almost shocked at how soon small life and frogs or toads find the water.
Rewilding Britain has a great guide and it is worth thinking about and if people in heavily populated cities like Hong Kong can create gardens then so can we.
For ideas or just a read:
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