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Wednesday, 11 November 2020

A Sinister Sound Heard During Daylight then Night Time....Hedgehogs?!

 Back in 2016, during day time, there were strange noise and at first I thought a cat had gotten itself caught in something. I went out and looked about. Nothing.

As I turned to go back into the house I heard the sound again but still saw nothing.

At night it was so loud that I had to find out what was causing the noise.

And then I found 'em!

Monday, 9 November 2020

The Curious Case of the Meat-Eating Wasps (Ye, I am sure they were wasps not zombies)

 It is not the greatest footage but I had several people who would not believe me when I told them that I had meat-eating wasps.

I first noticed how food left by hedgehogs in a dish was gradually vanishing during the day. I observed flies on the left-overs and then I saw a wasp kill a fly on the food. What I saw next I had not witnessed before.  The wasp took a piece of the left-over cat food that was almost the equal of its own size and flew off (badly) with the morsel.

I saw other wasps cut away pieces of chicken slices and fly off with said morsels. Some 2-3 (I assume there might have been others but as none carried identification numbers I have no idea) wasp finished off quite a bit of meat and at times I had to chase them off (or tried to as they were rather big bullies) for a cat to get the food.

Of course, the wasps needed the meat as it wa a good source of protein that they would need. Hopefully, if we get a good summer in 2021 I can get better footage.

2021 -time for garden surveys?

 Just a selection of photos but I think I will take advantage of 2021 to launch a full survey of my garden.

Should be fun.

Juvenile fm rat caught and killed in garden by neighbours cat. Apart from rats (there are so many cats coming into this garden I have no idea why rodents are still here) there were shrews and the mice are still here but sonic devices appear to be keeping them out of the house.

These black ants are extremely territorial. This last summer I placed my hand on a branch of the oak tree and it took 5 seconds for a group to start appearing and swarm my hand -I removed my hand because these little buggers really bite!
Foxes -got really hit by mange between 1995-2016 but I keep my eye on them (as does the bulloy cat next door).
Rather large hedgehog stool. There were around 3 young this year and two adults stiull come to feed and chase off foxes.
Those ants get everywhere. This was by the back door and I do not like, use or even consider ant killer sprays or powders.  Strong white vinegar wiped along the door step kept them out of the house but these particular ant do appear to have become the dominant species -replacing the red ants and other maller species.

If you are interested in what can be found in YOUR garden check out my previous posts as they give you some idea of what you might find -and photograph!

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Useful Addresses

 Credit:Hayley De Ronde

Useful Links & Websites

Looking for More Information on Foxes?

There is limited information out there on the needs of foxes, which can make it difficult for prospective keepers (or those with a wildlife casualty) to make informed choices prior to taking on the responsibility of caring for a fox.  Below is a list of all the webpages that provide information on red foxes, silver foxes and the Russian domesticated foxes.

If you know of an informative website you think current and prospective fox owners would benefit from, then please let us know and we will add it to the list! 

“Gaining knowledge is the first step to wisdom. Sharing it is the first step to humanity.”

Bristol Fox Deaths Project 2021 -2024

    Pages   231 Binding Type   Paperback Perfect Bound Interior Color   Color Dimensions   A4 £25.00